Biodynamics International Program

Biodynamics International Program

Biodynamics International
Phases I-IX


The Biodynamic Osteopathy Program was created by the American osteopath physician Dr. James Jealous. Conducted initially in the United States, Byodinamics International Program is currently conducted in several European countries, plus Japan, Russia, Australia and New Zealand.

The aim of this program is to observe the laws of Nature working throughout the body. This program has 9 Phases, which are based on the therapeutic powers of Dynamic Stillness, Breath of Life, Tidal Power, Fluids and other Natural Laws in action, generating and sustaining Life. Techniques and teachings will be taught in full cooperation with the Living Mechanism composite and its intent at the time. It's not about bones, levers or palpation. This is not balanced membranous or ligamentous joint tension; these approaches are a different compound. This is Maré in action as a primary source of diagnosis and treatment, without applying force to osteopathic lesions or psycho-emotional systems. The program environment is in the quiet of the natural world with a teacher dedicated to transmitting the oral tradition of Osteopathy.

Course Descriptions

Phase I
An introduction to a Biodynamic Model of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, Motion Present, BMT, Neutral, Lesion, and Health

Phase II
An in-depth perception of fluid dynamics at 2-3CPM. Rates. CV4-EV4 techniques. Automatic shifting

Phase III
Dural development up to full adult. Intramembranous shearing. Work with the long tide. The anterior dural girdle and its clinical significance. Tempo and humility.

Phase IV
The midline as a therapeutic force. The reciprocal tension of the potency. The ignition.

Phase V
The embryological development of the face. Evaluation and treatment of the face and cranium through embryological fluid segments.

Phase VI
Exploring Cause and Treatment of the extremities, Head, neck and thorax

Phase VII
Finding the Health. Feeling the physical presence and substance of the perfect form.

Phase VIII
The Void, Love and Healing,Wholeness as a living reality.

Phase IX
This course embraces precision and decision making in severe CNS trauma. It also explores using principles rather than a specific method. This course requires that individuals have completed Phases I-VIII and have been in practice for a minimum of 10 years.

Eligibility Requirements

Osteopaths, MDs and Dentists.

International certification

The certificate will be issued by Dr. Jealous and staff with internacional validity. Students may also attend the following phases in other countries where the program is offered.


 In São Paulo:
  Special Course: Fundamental Principles of Biodynamic Osteopathy and Pediatrics Programs of Dr. James Jealous
  August 17-20, 2023, with Dr. Stephen Kisiel.
  Note: This course is prerequisite for Phase 2 of the Biodynamic Osteopathy Program in 2024.

 In Florianópolis:
  Biodynamic Osteopathy Program with Embryology/Anatomy Review Phase 2
  16 to 19 - April 2024, with Dr. Stephen Kisiel.

Location of Course

 In São Paulo:
  Location to be defined.

  In Florianópolis:
  Retiro Vila Fátima - Morro das Pedras - Florianópolis - SC
  Rodovia SC 406, Francisco Thomaz dos Santos, nº 2210,
  Armação do Pântano do Sul, Florianópolis - SC, 88066-260
  Full hosting: Vila Fátima
  Reservas com Agnideva 61 99818-6310 [WhatsApp]